jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

Cosas de interes

Hoy asisti a una charla de la Dra. Tessy M. López Goeme ( es quimico no medico... ) ella trabaja como investigadora en el centro nacional de neurocirugia, fue una charla bastante interesante asi como su linea de investigacion ya que utilizan microtubos de titanio para liberacion de farmacos dentro del cerebro, esta tecnologia se esta utilizando para tratamiento de epilepsia, Parkingson y tumores cerebrales ( esta ultima apenas en fase de estudios pre clinicos)

Personas como ella (el Dr. Marco Ramos y su esposa la maestra Rosy Mares
( con quien trabajo en el lab) ) hacen que me enamore cada vez mas de la investigación !

A nanostructured titania bioceramic implantable device capable of drug delivery to the temporal lobe of the brain

T. Lópeza, E. Ortizb, , P. Quintanac, and R.D. Gonzálezd, , aMetropolitan Autonomous University-Rectoria General, Prol. Canal de Miramontes3855, Col.Ex-Had. San Juan de Dios Tlalpan 14387, Mexico, D.F., MexicobUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Department of Chemistry, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, A.P. 55-534, Mexico, D.F., C.P. 09340, MexicocCINVESTAV-IPN, Unidad Mérida, Departamento de Física Aplicada, Km 6. Ant. Carret. a Progreso, 97310 Mérida, Yuc., MéxicodDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA Received 14 June 2006; revised 17 October 2006; accepted 23 October 2006. Available online 6 November 2006.


A new TiO2 nanostructured bioceramic device was synthesized using a sol–gel process in order to control pore size distribution and particle size. The objective was to obtain a constant drug release rate for antiepileptic drugs directly into the central nervous system (CNS). Point defects were generated in the titania network in order to obtain the desired interaction between a highly polar drug and the titania device. Difficulties in the control of epileptic seizures and common side effects have led us to study the possibility of using an implantable nanostructured bioceramic device in the brain of a rat. This device contains an anticonvulsant drug (valproic acid, VPA) which can be released directly into the temporal lobe of the brain at a constant rate. This rate should be constant over an extended period of time. Epilepsy is a disease that occurs in approximately 4% of the world population. Normally it can be treated using systemic therapy. The area covered by drug diffusion should include the amygdale, hippocampus and cortex of the temporal lobe. To study the efficiency of the drug release “in vivo”, epileptic conditions were generated using the chemical Kindling method.
Keywords: Controlled drug release; Epilepsy; Implantable devices; Valproic acid; Titania reservoirs

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